Saturday, 10 October 2015

The Raspberry Pi Extraordinaire !

So... to begin, 

I bought a Raspberry pi 2.

I've been hearing about it here and there and decided it was time that I tried out something new as a hobby/pastime. Having ample time on my hands, I decided to buy this wonderful little contraption. For the past two weeks I've been happily tinkering away and playing around with getting it set-up and working. Being very pleased with my handiwork I've decided to share it with the world. For those of you unaware the Raspberry Pi is a "credit card sized single board computer" developed in the UK. And being an old Sinclair fan (and owner), I decided this must be a good thing to try. Although it was primarily developed to be a learning aid for computers and programming etc (as you can see here), it seems like it's being used for many interesting projects like a media centre, drone( s ), retrogames console, web-servers, etc, etc, etc.

Having no particular ideas in mind I decided to try several.

I now have a set-up of Kodi( x-box media center), Retropie (games console), desktop (Raspian, and Ubuntu Mate 15.04).
I've also been mucking about with berryboot, which is a cool way to boot several operating systems on your Raspberry (from USB... if you so choose to).

Still going to try using it as a wireless access point, (Wireless was annoying to fix on berryboot, one of my dongols still doesn't work! Have to try compiling the berryboot kernel for that to work... not done that before). I would also like to do this, but being in Cairo I'm not sure I can get all the components (or if I’m allowed to)...

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